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If you want to know more, we have other books and ways to help families with MND.
You can even get a free copy of the stories on our Read it page, in our storybook Why are things changing?
We also have a workbook where you can find more facts about MND and things to draw. This has to be ordered for you by a grown-up, like a parent.
To order books, ask a grown-up to contact us:
Telephone: 0808 802 6262
We’d love to know what you think about MND Buddies!
Tell us at: MNDbuddies-feedback
Thank you
Our thanks for all their support with the hub and stories, to…
The families and children affected by MND, who explored the content. You’ve been amazing!
Dr Audrey Daisley, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Lead for OCE Clinical Neuropsychology and Family Support Service, Oxford Centre for Enablement, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Samantha Holden-Smith, MND Care Centre Co-ordinator, Manchester Care Centre, Salford Royal Hospital.
Dr Rachel Tams, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Lead for Long Term Neurological Conditions Clinical Neuropsychology Service, Oxford Centre for Enablement, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust and the Mountbatten Memorial Trust.
This site was last updated in August 2023.
It will be checked in March 2026.
© MND Association 2020
Registered Charity No. 294354
Company Limited by Guarantee No. 2007023